Stop Bias' core principles establish guidelines for conduct and strategy that all of our supporters adhere to.

These principles are designed to create a mass movement to successfully expose and oppose antiwhite bias by maintaining the moral high ground against an unfair double standard that is perpetuated by those who profit from discriminating against ethnic European kids. 

All Stop Bias supporters and activists agree to support these four principles, and anyone violating these principles is not our supporter: 1. Expose Wall Street as the source of antiwhite bias, 2. Support all good people and only oppose bad ideas, 3. Promote White Equality, 4. Commit to mass education and antiviolence.

These principles are explained below.

  • Antiwhite bias is promoted by Big Business and Big Government, to benefit those who control and profit from global finance. This is a global system and problem, but Wall Street is their symbol and heaquarters.

    Global finance profits from demoralizing ethnic Europeans, because it allows them to manipulate the political system. If ethnic Europeans are demoralized about their heritage, and feel they have no right to protect their children and territory - and worse, even feel that they have to repent for their heritage - then they will not resist policies like mass immigration that are designed to weaken them financially, culturally, and politically, by creating division within their borders and political institutions.

    This allows the control of 'democratic' institutions so that corrupt policies can be enacted to the benefit of foreign capital. Policies that lower wages, increase costs, weaken political institutions and governance, and create poverty and weakness.

    In effect, this is a class war, in which a global establishment class can consolidate power and transfer wealth from the Western middle class by manipulating media and politics.

    In Western countries founded by ethnic Europeans around the world, investment funds managing trillions of dollars advocate for fewer ethnic European people in employment, management, and governance roles, while youth are denied loans, grants, and scholarships, access to education and employment opportunities under quota systems.

    Quotas that would be called discrimination against other groups, are called 'social justice' when targeting ethnic European kids.

    The pattern of antiwhite education, finance, politics, and media repeats itself across the Western world, from Europe to North America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. And in each of these jurisdictions global finance is the major owner of media, and driver of critical political institutions. They use this extraordinary power to produce editorial policies that continually discriminate against ethnic Europeans.

    Global finance has both the means and motive to promote antiwhitism, and has done so in its own interest.

    By diligently maintaining our focus on investment capital as our opponent, we will effect the greatest change - because investment capital is the fuel for all of the other antiwhite weapons, like Big Tech, Hollywood, politics, and academia.

  • Stop Bias is not fighting non-White ethnic groups, we are fighting the bad idea of antiwhitism.

    Antiwhitism is a destructive value system that is held by people from a range of ethnic and racial backgrounds. People who oppose and expose antiwhitism are allies, and people who promote, hide or excuse antiwhitism are opponents.

    In many cases, today's opponents will be tomorrow's allies. The ideas that motivate people can change, and when we engage others calmly from a place of moral courage and clarity, we will change hearts and minds.

    The assumptions underlying antiwhite values are baseless, and easily refuted, but very few people have had the opportunity to challenge these assumptions. Instead, culture has been carefully curated through media, politics, and education so that people are not exposed to the alternative perspective.

    To stop antiwhite bias, we merely need mass education that motivates people to create a fair world that protects the interests of all, including the ethnic Europeans who are being denied equality.

  • We want well-being for all people, including ethnic European kids who are currently being harmed by the antiwhite bias promoted by Big Business and Big Government.

    White Equality means that ethnic European kids and adults have an equal right to protect their ethnic and cultural heritage as other groups have, and have an equal right to self-determination. This is a natural and just right that ethnic Europeans already have - we only need to assert it.

    One of the main attacks against White Equality is the false accusation of 'White Supremacy.'

    Therefore, the commitment to equality is being made explicit in the Stop Bias campaign. Stop Bias is not promoting 'White Supremacy' with ethnic Europeans dominating or held as superior to other groups, but 'White Equality' where ethnic Europeans around the world assert their equal right to protect their ethnic and cultural heritage as other groups do.

    Today, non-White groups are encouraged to advocate for themselves and their children, while ethnic Europeans are uniquely discouraged from such advocacy. This is on the basis of the antiwhite double standard that ethnic Europeans are history's unique villains, who have disproportionately persecuted other groups.

    The myth of 'White Villainy' is not true, it is propaganda promoted by Wall Street-controlled media, education, and politicians.

    This bigoted propaganda is readily believed because the antiwhite double standard is so widespread.

    How many movies and television series are based around White people having been enslaved? How many classes teach students in grade school or post-secondary about the White slave trade? Or teach that the White slave trade is ongoing today? How many news stories focus on Whites as victims of crime?

    Our antiwhite culture distorts history and current events to portray ethnic Europeans as villains, and all other groups as victims of Europeans.

    The result of continually portraying Whites as villains and non-Whites as victims is that for many people using the word 'White' in a neutral or positive way has become a taboo. Even neutral phrases like 'It's OK to be White' are labelled as 'hate' by antiwhite activists. While Black Pride, Asian Pride, Latino Pride, Gay Pride or Jewish Pride are all socially acceptable concepts, White Pride alone is singled out as something negative.

    This cruel double-standard is damaging to children, and has to change.

    As all other groups celebrate their heritage, ethnic European Whites need to celebrate their ancestors and protect the interests of their descendants, honor their ethnic and cultural heritage as other groups do. 

    If adults are too scared to protect themselves and their loved ones from these double-standards, imagine how scary it must be for children.

    It is past time that we overcome any hesitation and stand up to antiwhite bias wherever and whenever we see it.

  • The battle against antiwhite bias is about mass education and opposes all forms of intimidation or violence. We will win by changing the hearts and minds of millions of well-meaning people who have been miseducated.

    Wall Street has used trillions of dollars of communications and infrastructure over decades and generations to build the antiwhite cultural complex using disinformation, exclusion, distortion, and deception. These techniques can best be countered with exposure and analysis.

    The truth is the best antidote to the lie, and retaining the moral high ground is vital to ultimate victory.

    Violence is not moral, would lose support for our cause, and serves the interests of antiwhite Wall Street, not the ethnic European kids being harmed by antiwhitism.

    To win, we must tirelessly educate those around us, knowing that our battle can and will be won through our persistence, creativity and courage.

    Our opponents have the resources of trillion dollar governments and antiwhite corporations, like Big Tech and Wall Street asset managers, but those very corporations and Western Civilization depend upon the ethnic Europeans that built and maintain many of them.

    As we win back the hearts and minds of ethnic Europeans and others from the antiwhite cultural complex, we can turn all of these institutions back into forces for good that serve humanity, rather than serve the interests of a tiny fraction of the world that is benefiting from collapsing the West.