We want well-being for all people, including ethnic European kids who are currently being harmed by the antiwhite bias promoted by Big Business and Big Government.
White Equality means that ethnic European kids and adults have an equal right to protect their ethnic and cultural heritage as other groups have, and have an equal right to self-determination. This is a natural and just right that ethnic Europeans already have - we only need to assert it.
One of the main attacks against White Equality is the false accusation of 'White Supremacy.'
Therefore, the commitment to equality is being made explicit in the Stop Bias campaign. Stop Bias is not promoting 'White Supremacy' with ethnic Europeans dominating or held as superior to other groups, but 'White Equality' where ethnic Europeans around the world assert their equal right to protect their ethnic and cultural heritage as other groups do.
Today, non-White groups are encouraged to advocate for themselves and their children, while ethnic Europeans are uniquely discouraged from such advocacy. This is on the basis of the antiwhite double standard that ethnic Europeans are history's unique villains, who have disproportionately persecuted other groups.
The myth of 'White Villainy' is not true, it is propaganda promoted by Wall Street-controlled media, education, and politicians.
This bigoted propaganda is readily believed because the antiwhite double standard is so widespread.
How many movies and television series are based around White people having been enslaved? How many classes teach students in grade school or post-secondary about the White slave trade? Or teach that the White slave trade is ongoing today? How many news stories focus on Whites as victims of crime?
Our antiwhite culture distorts history and current events to portray ethnic Europeans as villains, and all other groups as victims of Europeans.
The result of continually portraying Whites as villains and non-Whites as victims is that for many people using the word 'White' in a neutral or positive way has become a taboo. Even neutral phrases like 'It's OK to be White' are labelled as 'hate' by antiwhite activists. While Black Pride, Asian Pride, Latino Pride, Gay Pride or Jewish Pride are all socially acceptable concepts, White Pride alone is singled out as something negative.
This cruel double-standard is damaging to children, and has to change.
As all other groups celebrate their heritage, ethnic European Whites need to celebrate their ancestors and protect the interests of their descendants, honor their ethnic and cultural heritage as other groups do.
If adults are too scared to protect themselves and their loved ones from these double-standards, imagine how scary it must be for children.
It is past time that we overcome any hesitation and stand up to antiwhite bias wherever and whenever we see it.
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